#SfN12 Biasing memory storage in neurons BrainShelly FanOctober 18, 2012memory, creb, #sfn12, fearComment
Damping the morphine high Brain, DrugsShelly FanOctober 8, 2012drugs, addiction, morphine, bdnfComment
The complicated science of a simple pleasure (omnomnomnom) HealthShelly FanFebruary 22, 2012diet, hormones, foodComment
Sweet dreams are made of this Brain, HealthShelly FanNovember 19, 2011sleep, insomnia, lucid dreamingComment
#SfN11 Another smart mouse? BrainShelly FanNovember 17, 2011Cognitive enhancement, #sfn11, memory, basic scienceComment
#SfN11 I'm eating because I can't remember my last meal! BrainShelly FanNovember 17, 2011memory, #sfn11, diet, foodComment