Two cups of coffee after learning may cure your forgetful streak Brain, HealthShelly FanJanuary 15, 2014coffee, memoryComment
Top 10 science stories I wish I'd blogged about in 2013 OtherShelly FanDecember 31, 2013ketamine, memory, sugar, sleeoComment
Christmas food for thought: Feed me, all 100 trillion of me HealthShelly FanDecember 23, 2013microbiome, fat, diet, poop, ketogenic diet
Christmas food for thought: which booze causes the worst hangover? Health, OtherShelly FanDecember 19, 2013christmas, booze, alcohol, funny
Scientific American Best of the Blogs Video Brain, HealthShelly FanDecember 1, 2013video, ketogenic diet, fatComment
OTC painkiller may blunt memory loss from puffing pot Brain, DrugsShelly FanNovember 27, 2013pot, marijuana, fear, memory, weed
People with superhuman memories still mistake fantasy for reality BrainShelly FanNovember 23, 2013memory, picks
The ancient marriage between music, movement and mood Brain, OtherShelly FanNovember 18, 2013music, mood, dopamine, exercise, rewardComment
#SfN13 Running boosts cognition by increasing aerobic capacity Health, BrainShelly FanNovember 16, 2013#sfn13, neurogenesis, anxiety, metabolism, stress, running, exerciseComment
Breaking the academic bubble: An interview with host Diana Xie OtherShelly FanNovember 15, 2013#sfn13, science communication Comments
#SfN13 Tackling depression from both ends Brain, DrugsShelly FanNovember 14, 2013#sfn13, Cognitive enhancement, depression, smart drugComment
#SfN13 Your coffee habit? Don't fight it, embrace it. Health, BrainShelly FanNovember 12, 2013diet, food, coffee, memory, #sfn13Comment
#SfN13 Getting rid of an unwanted memory for good BrainShelly FanNovember 11, 2013memory, anxiety, fear, #sfn13Comment
#SfN13 Stressed out mice turn to carbs for comfort food Brain, HealthShelly FanNovember 10, 2013diet, stress, mood, #sfn13, fat, hormonesComment
#SfN13 Adult neurogenesis and the fluidity of memory flow BrainShelly FanNovember 10, 2013neurogenesis, memory, #sfn13, learningComment
The forgotten case of the sleepy virus BrainShelly FanOctober 30, 2013halloween, neurology, neurodegeneration, Parkinson's, infection Comment