For just one penny, this Lab-on-a-chip can diagnose cancer & more. TechShelly FanFebruary 20, 2017diagnostics, medic, lab-on-a-chip, nanotechnology Comment
"I want to live". New device lets completely paralyzed patients communicate yes or no for the first time TechShelly FanFebruary 13, 2017brain-machine interface, brain training, brain stimulation, conciousness, paralysis, picks Comments
Robot Cars Can Teach Themselves How to Drive in Virtual Worlds TechShelly FanFebruary 8, 2017tech, artificial intelligence, autonomous cars, self-driving carsComment
Growing Human Organs In Pigs? Don't Get Too Excited Just Yet OtherShelly FanJanuary 30, 2017regeneration, chimera, weird, singularity hubComment
Young Blood Offered as Anti-Aging Therapy — But Is It Ready? BrainShelly FanJanuary 29, 2017longevity, aging, blood, parabiosis, singularity hubComment
Need Muscle Power? This Intelligent Robot Suit Can Help Tech, HealthShelly FanJanuary 23, 2017tech, aging, roboticsComment
How the Brain Links People to Places: Scientists Tap Memory’s Neural Code BrainShelly FanJuly 10, 2015memory, basic science, singularity hub
Google Translate not yet ready for medical communications Tech, OtherShelly FanDecember 17, 2014medicine, language, AI, Google
Christmas food for thought: the gains and pains of laughter Other, HealthShelly FanDecember 14, 2014fat, food, christmas, health
The case for intermittent fasting: size matters, timing matters too HealthShelly FanDecember 4, 2014food, intermittent fasting, diet, ketogenic diet
Does hot cocoa delay brain aging? Brain, HealthShelly FanNovember 27, 2014memory, aging, exercise, running, rejuvenation, diet
#SfN14: Art of Neuroscience, a conversation with Greg Dunn OtherShelly FanNovember 25, 2014#sfn14, artComment
#SfN14: How a fat metabolite lifts you up after exercise Brain, HealthShelly FanNovember 25, 2014#sfn14, exercise, mood, depression, runningComment
#SfN14: A "how-to" guide to finding the Fountain Of Youth Brain, HealthShelly FanNovember 19, 2014longevity, rejuvenation, aging